Mars House, First Digital Home to be Sold on the NFT Marketplace

Share Share Facebook Twitter Mail Pinterest WhatsApp Or Mars House designed in May 2020 by Artist Krista Kim, has become the first sold digital NFT home in the world. The 3D digital file that can be experienced in virtual reality, was just acquired. Rendered using Unreal Engine, a software used to create video games, the house can be experienced in VR, but can also be experienced through augmented reality (AR) environments in apps. A structure comprised of light, Mars House generates a healing atmosphere, with a musical accompaniment by Jeff Schroeder of The Smashing Pumpkins. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens,…Continue Reading

Public Information Sessions on Lymes’ Senior Center Renovation Additional Funding to be Held March 25 in OL, March 27 in Lyme; Votes in Both Towns Scheduled April 15

The exterior of the Lymes’ Senior Center on Town Woods Rd. in Old Lyme. The Center is currently closed pending its renovation. File photo. LYME/OLD LYME, CT – The Towns of Old Lyme and Lyme will host Public Information Sessions on Monday, March 25, and Wednesday, March 27. Both sessions will be presented by the Lymes’ Senior Center Building Committee and cover the status of the Lymes’ Senior Center renovation and a request for an additional appropriation of $880,000 in total—$660,000 from Old Lyme and $220,000 from Lyme—from the two towns. The 3/25 session for Old Lyme residents will start…Continue Reading

Patricia Urquiola named interior designer of the year at Dezeen Awards 2023

Spanish architect and designer Patricia Urquiola has been named interior designer of the year at the Dezeen Awards 2023 ceremony. The Designers of the Year category rewards the best emerging and established talent across architecture, interiors and design. It recognizes creatives whose innovative work has made a notable impact on the industry. Urquiola was awarded the prize at the Dezeen Awards 2023 party last week, which was hosted in partnership with Bentley. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dezeen (@dezeen) Patricia Urquiola was named interior designer of the year at Dezeen Awards 2023 Born in Oviedo, Spain,…Continue Reading

The Rotary Club of Newberry helped renovate the Free Medical Clinic

NEWBERRY — On Wednesday, March 13, the Rotary Club of Newberry held a ribbon cutting at the Free Medical Clinic on Kinard Street to unveil the renovations they helped contribute to. The total cost of renovations totaled to $10,000, with half of the money coming from a grant and the other $5,000 coming from the Rotary Club. “We accomplished a lot, including interior and exterior improvements,” said Rotary Club of Newberry President Donna Lominack. Improvements included a new camera and alarm system, painting, lighting fixtures, floor work, shrubbery renovations and more. Local businesses helped with the renovations. “A big…Continue Reading

5 ways the Hellems renovation is reducing the building’s environmental impact | CU Boulder Today

Published: March 26, 2024 The Hellems Arts and Sciences building renovation is ongoing, and the project includes multiple aspects designed to reduce the building’s environmental impact: The Energy Use Intensity (EUI), or the amount of energy used in a building per square foot annually, in Hellems is projected to decrease by 68% even with the addition of air conditioning. The building will have a new high-efficiency mechanical system designed to accommodate the campus’s future conversion to a low-temperature hot-water heating system. Increased thermal performance: The building will have triple-pane high-efficiency windows, increased insulation in the walls and roof and local,…Continue Reading

Minglanilla parishioners express concern over church renovations

THE faithful believe that Christ has risen on the third day, but parishioners of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish in Tungkop, Minglanilla, may no longer see the Risen Christ image in their church once renovations begin. This was the concern of some parishioners in OLMHRP, or Inayagan Church, following the parish’s plan to renovate the church’s altar where the resurrected Christ image was displayed. In a letter written by a group of parishioners addressed to Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma dated December 20, 2023 yet, the group said the renovations in the church will be made allegedly without…Continue Reading

Ontario legislature renovation ‘a touch’ delayed, minister says

Work to renovate Ontario’s legislature is still in relatively early planning stages, but it has already seen “a touch” of a delay, the minister in charge of the $1-billion-plus undertaking said Tuesday. Legislative Affairs Minister Paul Calandra’s comments came after the committee he tasked with overseeing the rehabilitation heard from staff about a multitude of exterior considerations for the project — from the more than 30 statues, monuments and plaques on the grounds, to the three Japanese flowering cherries trees, to the subway and “abandoned and unknown” infrastructure that lies below. The director of the precinct properties branch told the…Continue Reading

The Interior Lives of Black Homes

The photos immediately started winning awards, but Ms. Bright found that many white viewers could not get over their own internal stereotypes. “I was told by a publisher I didn’t have enough signifiers there to show the work was Black,” she said. A consultant told her, “This looks like my house. There is a bookcase, they read, I don’t see any TVs.” On that bookcase, prominently displayed, was Debra J. Dickerson’s manifesto from 2004, “The End of Blackness: Returning the Souls of Black Folk to Their Rightful Owners.” Michelle Joan Wilkinson, a curator at the museum, has developed its design…Continue Reading