Atelier Gratia’s Star House is a monolithic concrete residential structure that stands out of the Kaohsiung’s urban landscape

Kaohsiung, Taiwan “Different living quarters are connected like stars in a constellation through intermediary spaces that offer buffer and transition, where a balance between family unity and individual privacy can be maintained,” says Grace Ming-En Chang, lead architect of Atelier Gratia. “The house is like a giant sundial where the passing time and changing seasons are noted: planetary movements are constantly felt through the ever-changing shadow play below the skylights, while the colors of the sky are captured on the kaleidoscopic surfaces of the panoramic glass façades that wrap around the courtyard.” Grace Ming-En Chang of Atelier Gratia has designed…Continue Reading

Gold Coast star designer: how house designs will change

GOLD Coast house designs will shift to a more “minimalistic design phase” as building costs and interest rates soar, says a leading designer. Emerging star designer Reece Keil, based at Mermaid Beach, believes building supply issues, a lack of trades, rising interest rates and a sporadic real estate market will cause new luxury house designs to change. Star designer Reece Keil at his office at Mermaid Beach. Picture: Glenn Hampson Tallebudgera’s Kooringal Lodge is almost complete and up for sale. Supplied by Reece Keil. “I think the immediate future of the landscape design is going to be forced to shift…Continue Reading

Placing spire structure ‘tops out’ Salt Lake Temple renovation – Church News

The extensive, multiyear renovation of the Salt Lake Temple reached a pinnacle of sorts Tuesday, Feb. 13, with the placement of the final reinforcing steel pyramid atop the iconic house of the Lord. An estimated 800 construction team members involved in the renovation project gathered beside the pioneer landmark anchoring the Temple Square headquarters for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City for the midday “topping out” ceremony, a building tradition marking when the structure’s final beam or equivalent piece is placed. For the Salt Lake Temple and its Tuesday topping out, the sixth and…Continue Reading

interior design books: Interior Design Books – 9 best books to learn all about Interior Design

Interior design books provide readers with valuable insights into the world of interior design. Through the pages of these books, readers can gain the knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of interior design, as well as the tools to create beautiful and functional spaces. From the latest in home office organization to bathroom remodelling projects and how to choose the perfect colour palette for any room, each page of these books contains valuable information and analysis to help readers create the perfect home or workspace. All these 9 books offer essential guidance on everything you need to know about decorating…Continue Reading

Slippery Rock University board seeks $98 million for building renovations, approves student fee increases

Trustees at Slippery Rock University voted Friday to pursue $98 million for renovations to three prominent but aging campus buildings, including Murrow Field House, built in 1959. They also approved student fee increases totaling about $270 for the 2024-25 academic year. Both actions were among those taken as the university’s Council of Trustees held its quarterly meeting on campus. On the renovation and restoration front, trustees agreed to ask the State System of Higher Education to add all three building projects to its capital budget so work can be pursued in the coming years. Murrow Field House, built in 1959,…Continue Reading

Disc House | 2020 Best Dream House of the Year

New York, USA Architects: KARIM RASHID Inc. Lead Architect/Concept designer: Karim Rashid Project Description Dubbed “The Disk House,” the design of this circular, see-through residence, came as a response to the Covid lockdown. The concept of the Disk House is to have 360 ​​degrees views, with no sharp corners and no obstructive columns. “Being locked down for so many months now, made me realize how important the connection with the exterior is – and how much a glazed surface can do for you. Transparency is immaterial; therefore your space always feels much larger and it creates a positive mental psyche,”…Continue Reading

Design news: can you live in a skip? Plus Collect craft fair and a cool walking frame | Design

Qhere are two stories in this month’s news that illuminate the strange relationship we currently have with housing. One is about an artist who’s decided to live in a skip for a year to raise awareness of the terrible cost of living in London and the other is the story of a designer who created a fantasy flat in Stockholm that exists only on Instagram. For more stories that offer a new perspective on issues around design and architecture, subscribe to the monthly Design Review newsletter. 1 Craft at the Collect Art Fair Star Flowers2021 by Alice Kettle, finalist for…Continue Reading

Norman Foster unveils housing design for displaced communities | News

The Essential Homes Research Project has been unveiled at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, Italy. The housing concept was designed by the Norman Foster Foundation to meet the essential human needs of displaced communities while utilizing sustainable building techniques and materials. The number of displaced individuals and families continues to grow and settlements that are meant to be temporary often become places where families spend decades. Developed with building materials company, Holcim, the homes have been designed to offer a durable and safer alternative to tent shelters – in a bid to enable displaced individuals to live with…Continue Reading