Hotel Renovations & Expansion – Brighton Terrace, Brighton

A development application has been lodged for the RFurnishing and Improvement of the Brighton Hotel, located at 200 Brighton Terrace, Brighton.

Designed by Red Design Group, the proposal seeks to provide an additional outdoor covered dining area and kids’ playground towards the southern and western facades of the hotel. Acoustic attenuation will be provided to the new outdoor areas through glazing and new walls. Minor demolition, internal layout amendments and parking area redesign are required to facilitate the extension.

Demolition Plan
Car Park Demolition Plan

New car park layout
New internal layout

Development Details
Reconfiguration of outdoor beer garden/dining area
– 25sqm increase to outdoor dining area
– Relocation of the kid’s playground
– 2.6m high wall for child protection
– Hotel entrance relocated to Brighton Lane
– Internal reconfiguration to amenities
– 4 bike racks provided
– 112 car parking spaces in total

The proposal includes the reconfiguration of the parking area to provide safer and more simple circulation. This includes moving the PWD and shared space to align with the new building entrance. Chevron strips will also be painted along the side of spaces 24 and 37 with a ‘give way’ sign to help control vehicle movement through the single lane width which will operate in both directions. The 112 existing car parking spaces are retained.

The planners at RPS Group state, “as an existing local hotel, the proposed extension is part of a refurbishment strategy to enhance the hotel and strengthen it as a local meeting place”.

“In addition to enhancing the visual appeal and architectural identity of the hotel, the development will also provide acoustic attenuation along the southern boundary to protect adjoining residential dwellings”.

“These extensions along with the refurbishment of the hotel and its car parking areas will improve the operation of the venue, improve the external articulation of the building and the usability of the venue for local residents”.

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Source: Information, Drawings and Images
All article information is sourced and available for review from referenced locations.
– Lodged Date: 20 November 2023
– Council Reference: A006408833
– Address: 200 Brighton Terrace, Brighton
– Zone: Low Density Residential Zone
– Town Planning Report: RPS Group
– Architectural Drawings: Red Design Group
– Interactive Image: Google Aerial and Streetview

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